© 2020 Plain English
Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion are each important values that should be promoted and upheld in all aspects of life, but especially in our churches and communities. As individuals, I am convinced that we can all play a role in advocating for these values and want to share some ways that you can do this right where you are.
I had someone say that they had never actually heard the phrase “Cross-Cultural Literacy” before and wanted to get a better understanding of what the phrase meant. So, let me take a few minutes to explain what it is that I’m doing, and why I feel that this phrase explains it best.
I came to the conclusion that over the course of my life, a large number of the decisions I had been making were actually being made for the benefit and even the comfort of other people. Basically, there was no part of my life that had been untouched by this reality. So, I decided to stop getting better and to BE GOODER!
Union soldiers, led by Major Gen. Gordon Granger, landed in the city with news that the Civil War had ended and slaves were now free. The announcement came two-and-a-half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation that technically freed slaves.
Here is a list of resources that we recommend for those looking for a good place to get started with learning more on the topics of racism, discrimination & cultural awareness. The items listed are grouped in categories representing different styles for learning.
Each one of our Cross-Cultural Literacy Sessions focuses on engaging both the mind (through humor & fact based story-telling) and the heart (through personality, personal experience & transparency). Check out our core sessions here.
If you’ve ever felt like you didn’t fit in, or that you didn’t belong, or that there is something more that you should be doing with your life, this book is for you.
It begins with a conversation, but it can lead to real change as we seek unity together.
Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin