What Does Defund the Police Mean?

The question I want to dive into for this week is a very serious question as it has become a VERY hot topic that is driving everything from the creation of laws to the running platforms of political parties. That question is simply “What does defund the police really mean?”

Let’s BE GOODER Together!!!

I came to the conclusion that over the course of my life, a large number of the decisions I had been making were actually being made for the benefit and even the comfort of other people. Basically, there was no part of my life that had been untouched by this reality. So, I decided to stop getting better and to BE GOODER!

Is Social Justice Socialism?

I’m sure I’m going to end up in some trouble here, but I want to try to clear up some confusion on a couple of terms that seem to have people a little mixed up. Term #1 is Socialism and term #2 is going to be Social Justice. I need you to understand that these two terms represent two very different things.

I’m With Ruby

Apparently, some parents feel that this book (based on Ruby’s actual real life experience as a child) mentioning a “large crowd of angry white people who didn’t want Black children in a white school” was too harsh and didn’t offer “redemption” at the end…

What Is Juneteenth?

Union soldiers, led by Major Gen. Gordon Granger, landed in the city with news that the Civil War had ended and slaves were now free. The announcement came two-and-a-half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation that technically freed slaves.

Recommended Resources

Here is a list of resources that we recommend for those looking for a good place to get started with learning more on the topics of racism, discrimination & cultural awareness.  The items listed are grouped in categories representing different styles for learning.

The Miseducation of White Privilege

When I go in to teach some of my Cross-Cultural Literacy Sessions, I’ve found that there are some words and phrases that I need to be pretty careful with using, or I literally risk losing the ear & heart of many of the white people that I am trying to help navigate this world of race & culture.

Why Do Black People Make George Floyd Into A Hero?

When I think of a hero, I think of someone who has an ability, or power, or something life-saving that I wish I could do, or be like.  A hero is someone that I would want to pattern myself after, and I don’t know many people that are running around saying, “I want to be like George Floyd.”

Were Race Relations Better 15 Years Ago?

I was in conversation with a white guy and he made a statement in which he said he “believes race relations were actually better 10 to 15 years ago.” So here’s the question: “Were race relations actually better 10 to 15 years ago?”

2 Keys to Reaching People

Jay English with a group of youth playing water games

I want to talk to you about the two things that I believe are very important keys to working in inner-city environments and have made all the difference in the world for me personally when it has come to reaching people. These two things would be consistency and relationship.