10 Ways You Can Be an Active Advocate
I believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion are each important values that should be promoted and upheld in all aspects of life, but especially in our churches and communities. As individuals, I am convinced that we can all play a role in advocating for these values and want to share some ways that you can do this right where you are.
Social Justice & The Bible

I don’t know about you, but I want to be part of a church that has no problem with learning to do good, seeking justice, fighting for the oppressed, defending the defenseless and protecting those who can’t protect themselves as stated in Isaiah 1:17.
What Is Cross-Cultural Literacy?

I had someone say that they had never actually heard the phrase “Cross-Cultural Literacy” before and wanted to get a better understanding of what the phrase meant. So, let me take a few minutes to explain what it is that I’m doing, and why I feel that this phrase explains it best.
The Critical Race Theory Battle & Why I Hate It
As a Pastor & also someone who is doing all that I can to bring people together around these divisive topics, my fear is that we are well on our way down the slippery slope of repeating some of our nation’s dark history.
I’m With Ruby
Apparently, some parents feel that this book (based on Ruby’s actual real life experience as a child) mentioning a “large crowd of angry white people who didn’t want Black children in a white school” was too harsh and didn’t offer “redemption” at the end…
Do Christians Struggle with Cultural Bias?
I’ve been in contact with a number of Christians who believe that social justice is not a part of the church’s mandate and that it’s not something the church should be chasing after. Some even believe that it’s not something the church should even be getting involved in.